Sawyer's Ride
My Ride (it did a full circle)
The area that we live in is so beautiful that we have started a fun little tradition of a sunday drive. Our backyard is the mountains and Shasta Lake so it's fun to look at the beautiful creation Heavenly Father made. Isaac loves to get out and look at the lake and watch the boats go by.
New things with Isaac:
-He is turning 9 months this month:( (it goes by so fast!)
-He loves food. I rarely feed him baby food anymore because he will just eat with us.
-He still loves his walks
-He likes riding in the bike trailer and laughing at daddy while he is pulling him up hills
-He likes to walk holding on to our fingers
-He loves his sippy cup and drinks lots of water and juice from it
-He waves bye bye and night night.
-He points with his chubby fingers
-He is still the cutest baby ever!!
Daddy made yummy cookies!
I found him like this and he played under it for a long time!