Sunday, April 11, 2010

The term Tax Season has a whole other meaning to me now. I have been working for a small CPA firm here in Rexburg since January and it has been a really good job...until now!! Just kidding but I really know now what Cami, Kelsey, and Shannon mean when they talk about tax season! Anyway that is my excuse for not blogging since January!

Most of you already know that we are pregnant! I am 16 weeks along and due on September 27th. I've had a few appointments and everything is going smoothly. I've gained 3 pounds total but it feels like a lot more considering I can't button my pants anymore! The nausea was bearable, nothing compared to what I hear Cami has had before, and I can eat good food again. We find out on May 7th what the gender is so we are looking forward to that.

Sawyer just finished a semester of school and is now obsessed with anything outdoors, mostly fishing and shooting his new shotgun. He starts another semester in a week and an internship with the Rexburg Police Department! Not as exciting as it sounds, there has been one gun shot in the last 25 years, and well it was shot at a back tire to slow the car down.

That is our update for now. Here are some Easter pictures too!


  1. Yeah for baby walker!

  2. you're going to be a mama!!!!!!!! yay!!!! congrats maddie!!
    and I'm following your blog so i can stalk you. lol :)

    here's mine. love ya,



About Me

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Redding, California, United States
We were married December 19, 2008 in the Bountiful Utah temple. We met at BYU-Idaho in a Business Writing class.